The next quarterly board meeting will be held at the private residence of new board member Brian Marsh. The meeting will be Feb 15 at 7pm. The address is 2446 Critter Pass and is open to property owners. The agenda will include a financial summary of 2023, road committee report, anticipated major road repairs, common roads, Dept Forestry
The next quarterly board meeting will be held at the private residence of new board member Brian Marsh. The meeting will be Feb 15 at 7pm. The address is 2446 Critter Pass and is open to property owners. The agenda will include a financial summary of 2023, road committee report, anticipated major road repairs, common roads, Dept Forestry clear cutting activities on state land, proposed CC&R changes and legal opinions and election of board officers by the board.
Cliff Hall
Annual Meeting RSVP NLT Sunday, 8/13/2023
Urgent, if you are planning to attend our annual meeting, August 19th at 12pm to 2pm, and haven’t RSVP’d we need your reservations in by Sunday. We need to tell miss Kitty's how many are coming and what they're having for lunch. Lunch choices are burgers, briskit or chicken tenders. Please ca
Annual Meeting RSVP NLT Sunday, 8/13/2023
Urgent, if you are planning to attend our annual meeting, August 19th at 12pm to 2pm, and haven’t RSVP’d we need your reservations in by Sunday. We need to tell miss Kitty's how many are coming and what they're having for lunch. Lunch choices are burgers, briskit or chicken tenders. Please call Connie at 951 847 1607 ASAP.
We must have this info before Monday morning. Call even if you're not having lunch.
Good afternoon folks. Just some quick notes from me and the board. We’re now in the 2nd half of 2023 and things are looking good. We are still well within budget even after a rough winter and road conditions. Monsoons haven’t started yet but they’re projected to start the end of this week (around 23 July). We’
Good afternoon folks. Just some quick notes from me and the board. We’re now in the 2nd half of 2023 and things are looking good. We are still well within budget even after a rough winter and road conditions. Monsoons haven’t started yet but they’re projected to start the end of this week (around 23 July). We’ve held off much of the cinder filling until after the monsoons to make sure we can get as much leveled as we can. If there are any issues so far please let us know.
There has been an increase in illegal parking which is any parking on our roads overnight unless you tell us. If your car breaks down please leave a note with your name and phone number. We certainly don’t want to pursue any action against our owners but if we find a vehicle illegally parked without some explanation and contact number for more than a couple days we may have it towed and the vehicle owner will be billed to recover. Yes it’s a tough approach but we don’t know if the car belongs to trespassers, stolen, broke down, etc. We let folks park for carpooling, work, whatever and usually don’t even question but if it’s for a few days please let us know. Thanks for your help on this.
Our annual meeting is coming up in about a month. August 19th at 12pm to 2pm again at Miss Kitty’s. Lunch for owners is paid for by the association but guests and children need to be charged $20. There are no children’s meals so we’re stuck at full price. Soft drinks are provided but beer, wine and other adult beverages are extra. I hope we have a good turnout as in past years. This is a good time to meet your neighbors and get some questions answered. I look forward to seeing everyone again.
The board has unanimously offered to remain on the board with your confirmation. We are owners and neighbors and offer our experience, time and work at no charge for the interests of the community. We’re all friends and neighbors here and I believe we are good stewards of our budgets. Everyone has different ideas on how to run our community but what we don’t want is some Phoenix or Orange County HOA that complains about the color of your house or uncut lawns or an RV or tractor on the side of your house. We have boneyards here. New owners will understand why in the first year or two, don’t throw away that 2X4 or broke generator or something you may be able to use parts from. Town is 23 miles away, it snows during winter, or you need that chicken wire for a new chicken coop. This is a rural area on an active cattle ranch. You’re going to get cow poop on your new driveway. Let’s keep it that way. Myself and the other board members know that and that’s what we fight for and that’s why we keep our dues low. As for new members to the board or if you don’t want any particular member or plan to dump the entire board that decision is up to you. I encourage you to think about the choices we have. There will be about 2 or 3 members who plan on this being their last year so we will have openings for new members and we invite anyone who wants to join us. Hopefully you submitted your nomination summary for consideration. You must be a resident here at phase 1 and that’s because you will be called upon to help out year-round. Beware of folks that want to over regulate and be a big brother to our community and turn us into a government that says your house is the wrong color, etc. We want this to be a welcoming community and not one that strictly enforces our codes and bylaws just because it’s there. We need people who can understand the individuals that live here and is willing to cut some slack to those that need a hand. Be compassionate. Be flexible. We’re responsible to enforce those laws/requirements when the health and safety of the community is at stake not just because the rules say so. This association and its operation are not rocket science. Our budget is less than most middle-income households. Our dues cover ONE load of cinders (10 yards) per owner. We sign maybe 1 or 2 checks per month, that’s it. Please be informed as to what the nominee wants to do.
We’ll have our annual report available electronically about a week before the meeting since we’ll have our year to date financials ready and our projected budget for 2024 prepared by then.
Thank you folks. I appreciate your time and efforts for the past year and look forward to continuing for another term.
Our next meeting is scheduled for March 20th from 7-9pm.
The agenda includes:
Review of February Meeting Minutes
Financial Status as of March 31st 2023
Amendments to Bylaws
New Business/Adjourn
Our next meeting is scheduled for February 16th from 7-9pm. This is an open meeting.
The agenda includes:
Old Business
New Business -
Our next meeting is scheduled for February 16th from 7-9pm. This is an open meeting.
The agenda includes:
Old Business
New Business -
The location of the meeting is at the Grand Canyon Railway & Hotel's Santa Fe conference room, across from Spenser's Pub.
Address: 233 N. Grand Canyon Blvd, Williams. The Santa Fe room is on the east side just past the business center through the lobby.
Note: Many thanks to the Grand Canyon Hotel for graciously offering to host our meeting. We can support them by purchasing food and beverages at Spensers before, during or after the meeting.
Menu, hours, details are at
Parking is paved, plentiful and free.
We have setup a means to provide email blasts to provide property owners timely information updates throughout the year. This would include urgent alerts the POA wants to pass along, distribute a digital newsletter and post notices for the Quarterly Board Meetings that property owners are invited to attend.
Signing up is voluntary and ca
We have setup a means to provide email blasts to provide property owners timely information updates throughout the year. This would include urgent alerts the POA wants to pass along, distribute a digital newsletter and post notices for the Quarterly Board Meetings that property owners are invited to attend.
Signing up is voluntary and can be done online. You must provide a valid email address when subscribing. Along with your email address you can also update your mailing address, phone numbers and other information as part of the signup or when changes to your information occurs.
To register, signup by
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